Made in USA
Made-in-USA Jet Fans, Air Movers, Foundry Tools and all Pneumatic Tools.

Paving Breakers

Choosing a Breaking Tool

The 90# Paving Breaker is designed for big jobs such as heavy demolition and concrete breaking.  The 60# Paving Breaker is a versatile, hard-hitting tool that can be used for medium to heavy demolition work and concrete breaking, and is the perfect all around breaker.  The 40# and 30# Paving Breaker is a rugged, yet lightweight paving breaker designed for light to medium construction work.  It is ideally suited for plant maintenance work such as light demolition of floors, pavement, frozen ground and masonry walls and is very popular for bridge deck work.


These tools are manufactured and assembled in the United States.  They are made from the highest quality material to provide industrial quality performance.

  • Rugged Thor-type Tools         
  • Multiple chuck sizes
  • Working pressure of 90-100 psi.


Sand Rammer, Bench Rammer, Backfill Tamper

Part No. Description Weight
BPM Chuck Size
Air Inlet
Air Cons
TX30PB-8 30# Paving Breaker 34 22.5 1.75 3.375 1550 78x3-14 38 49 $1,750.00
TX30PB-1 30# Paving Breaker 34 22.5 1.75 3.375 1500 <1x4-14 38 49 $1,750.00


40# Paving Breaker 42 25.125 1.73 5.75 900 1x4-14 12x34 56 QUOTE
TX60PB-4 60# Paving Breaker 67 25.625 2.25 4.0937 1400 1-14x6 34 59 $1,995.00
TX60PB-8 60# Paving Breaker 67 25.625 2.25 4.0937 1400 1-18x6 34 59 $1,995.00
TX90PB-4 90# Paving Breaker 92.5 28.75 2.625 6.0625 1250 <1-14x6 34 75 $2,055.00
TX90PB-8 90# Paving Breaker 92.5 28.75 2.625 6.0625 1250 <1-18x6 34 75 $2,055.00
TX60SD 60# Spike Driver 67 25.625 2.25 4.0937 1400   34 59 $2,315.00
TX90SD 90# Spike Driver 92.5 28.75 2.625 6.0625 1250   sup>3⁄4 75 $2,510.00
TX30PB Paving Breaker Spare Parts List
TX40PBE Paving Breaker Spare Parts List
TX60PB Paving Breaker Spare Parts List
TX90PB Paving Breaker Spare Parts List
TX90PB TX90SD Spike Driver Spare Parts List
Paving Breaker Tools Post Driver Tools
Rock Drill Oil - 1 Gallon RDO1G $42.00
Rock Drill Oil - 5 Gallon RDO5G $122.00
Line Oiler LO-10PF $81.00
Whip Check WCSML $11.00
Hose Whip Assembly with 3.7oz Lubricator TX7HW $99.10
Hose Whip Assembly with 7oz Lubricator TX12HW $143.00
Air King Universal Coupling AM8 $12.00