MAI Grout Rod, Bits & Accessories
Hollow Grout Rod

due to variations in size and pitch of some imported steels

Please call out the manufacturer we are threading to, so that we may insure we have a current sample and all components will mate properly

Grout Bodies and Rotojec Shanks

Crowder Supply keeps a large stock of finished thread combinations in stock in both Standard and HD shanks.

Assembly consists of a Grout Body and a Rotojec Shank. In order to have a complete Grout Swivel Assembly, you must order both.
Threads will be left-hand unless we are notified of right-hand requirements.

od shank grout swivelStandard Duty - 3" OD Shank - 4-34" OD Body

Standard Duty

3" OD Shank - 4-34" OD Body
  Part Number Wt. Price
Grout Injection Body (with seals) RJ-BODY 25 $762.00
Seals/Double Lip (set of 4) RJ-SEALS 0.1 $73.00

Choose Striking Bar (Closed):

Choose Grout Bar (Open):

TTN30 R32 X32 R38 X38
RJ-T38-TTN30 $508.00 RJ-T38-R32 $508.00 RJ-T38-X32 $508.00 RJ-T38-R38 $508.00 RJ-T38-X38 $508.00
RJ-T45-TTN30 $508.00 RJ-T45-R32 $508.00 RJ-T45-X32 $508.00 RJ-T45-R38 $508.00 RJ-T45-X38 $508.00
RJ-T51-TTN30 $508.00 RJ-T51-R32 $508.00 RJ-T51-X32 $508.00 RJ-T51-R38 $508.00 RJ-T51-X38 $508.00
RJ-H55-TTN30 CALL RJ-H55-R32 $508.00 RJ-H55-X32 $508.00 RJ-H55-R38 $508.00 RJ-H55-X38 $508.00
TTN40 T45 R51 X51 TTN52
RJ-T38-TTN40 $508.00 RJ-T38-T45 $508.00 RJ-T38-R51 $508.00 RJ-T38-X51 $508.00 RJ-T38-TTN52 $508.00
RJ-T45-TTN40 $508.00 RJ-T45-T45 $508.00 RJ-T45-R51 $508.00 RJ-T45-X51 $508.00 RJ-T45-TTN52 $508.00
RJ-T51-TTN40 $508.00 RJ-T51-T45 $508.00 RJ-T51-R51 $508.00 RJ-T51-X51 $508.00 RJ-T51-TTN52 $508.00
RJ-H55-TTN40 $508.00 RJ-H55-T45 $508.00 RJ-H55-R51 $508.00 RJ-H55-X51 $508.00 RJ-H55-TTN52 $508.00

Heavy Duty

4" OD Shank - 5-34" OD Body
  Part Number Wt. Price
Grout Injection Body (with Seals) RJ-BODYHD 32 $1,016.00
Seals/Double Lip (set of 4) RJ-SEALSHD 0.1 $142.00

Choose Striking Bar (Closed):

Choose Grout Bar (Open):

RJ-T38-TTN30HD $678.00 RJ-T38-R32HD $678.00 RJ-T38-X32HD $678.00 RJ-T38-R38HD $678.00 RJ-T38-X38HD $678.00 RJ-T38-TTN40HD $678.00
RJ-T45-TTN30HD $678.00 RJ-T45-R32HD $678.00 RJ-T45-X32HD $678.00 RJ-T45-R38HD $678.00 RJ-T45-X38HD $678.00 RJ-T45-TTN40HD $678.00
RJ-T51-TTN30HD $678.00 RJ-T51-R32HD $678.00 RJ-T51-X32HD $678.00 RJ-T51-R38HD $678.00 RJ-T51-X38HD $678.00 RJ-T51-TTN40HD $678.00
RJ-H55-TTN30HD $678.00 RJ-H55-R32HD $678.00 RJ-H55-X32HD $678.00 RJ-H55-R38HD $678.00 RJ-H55-X38HD $678.00 RJ-H55-TTN40HD $678.00
RJ-T38-T45HD $678.00 RJ-T38-R51HD $678.00 RJ-T38-X51HD $678.00 RJ-T38-TTN52HD $678.00 RJ-T38-T76HD $678.00
RJ-T45-T45HD $678.00 RJ-T45-R51HD $678.00 RJ-T45-X51HD $678.00 RJ-T45-TTN52HD $678.00 RJ-T45-T76HD $678.00
RJ-T51-T45HD $678.00 RJ-T51-R51HD $678.00 RJ-T51-X51HD $678.00 RJ-T51-TTN52HD $678.00 RJ-T51-T76HD $678.00
RJ-H55-T45HD $678.00 RJ-H55-R51HD $678.00 RJ-H55-X51HD $678.00 RJ-H55-TTN52HD $678.00 RJ-H55-T76HD $678.00

Super Duty

5" OD Shank - 6-34" OD Body
  Part Number Wt. Price
Grout Injection Body (with seals) RJ-BODYSD 25 $2,059.00
Seals/Double Lip (set of 4) RJ-SEALSSD 0.1 $170.00

Choose Striking Bar (Closed):

Choose Grout Bar (Open):

TTN40 R51 X51 TTN52
RJ-T51-TTN40SD $1,315.00 RJ-T51-R51SD $1,315.00 RJ-T51-X51SD $1,315.00 RJ-T51-TTN52SD $1,315.00
RJ-H55-TTN40SD $1,315.00 RJ-H55-R51SD $1,315.00 RJ-H55-X51SD $1,315.00 RJ-H55-TTN52SD $1,315.00
RJ-C64-TTN40SD $1,315.00 RJ-C64-R51SD $1,315.00 RJ-C64-X51SD $1,315.00 RJ-C64-TTN52SD $1,315.00
RJ-T76-TTN40SD $1,315.00 RJ-T76-R51SD $1,315.00 RJ-T76-X51SD $1,315.00 RJ-T76-TTN52SD $1,315.00
RJ-H90-TTN40SD $1,315.00 RJ-H90-R51SD $1,315.00 RJ-H90-X51SD $1,315.00 RJ-H90-TTN52SD $1,315.00
T76 X76 T103
RJ-T51-T76SD $1,315.00 RJ-T51-X76SD $1,315.00 RJ-T51-T103SD $1,315.00
RJ-H55-T76SD $1,315.00 RJ-H55-X76SD $1,315.00 RJ-H55-T103SD $1,315.00
RJ-C64-T76SD $1,315.00 RJ-C64-X76SD $1,315.00 RJ-C64-T103SD $1,315.00
RJ-T76-T76SD $1,315.00 RJ-T76-X76SD $1,315.00 RJ-T76-T103SD $1,315.00
RJ-H90-T76SD $1,315.00 RJ-H90-X76SD $1,315.00 RJ-H90-T103SD $1,315.00


We keep a large stock of Through-Hardened RotoJec Shank Blanks to run RUSH orders. Typically we can have any thread combination done in 1-3 days with machine set up fee.

Machine set up costs on RUSH or less than MOQ orders is $175.00 per thread.

Special Orders

Machine Set Up Fee - Per Thread


Seal Installation



Collared Grout Shanks

collared grout shank Collared Grout Shanks are made on request. They are $131.00 more expensive than the standard shank price. Contact us to place an order for the Collared Grout Shank.

Swivel Savers

swivel savers

Swivels are machined and heat treated while sacrificial grout rod is relatively soft. In heavy percussive applications it is not uncommon for the grout rod to deform inside of the swivel causing the rod to stick inside the Rotojec shank. Swivel savers are designed with a shortened male thread to facilitate removal from the shank and send the percussive energy through the shoulder of the swivel. If a rod becomes stuck in the swivel saver – you should be able to remove the hardened saver from the hardened shaft and extract the softer grout rod from the saver "at your convenience.” It is also common to use these savers as adaptors to effectively drive several different sizes of grout rod with the same Rotojec shank.

R51M TO R51F SSR51M-R51F $210.00
R38M TO R38F SSR38M-R38F $169.00
R51M TO R38F SSR51M-R38F $210.00
R38M TO R51F SSR38M-R51F $210.00
R38M TO R32F SSR38M-R32F $169.00

Grout Swivels

striking bar swivel bar bit

The above image consists of a shank adaptor, coupling adaptor, a grout swivel assembly, another coupling adaptor, a sacrificial grout rod, and sacrificial grout bit. A grout swivel assembly is made up of a combination of a flushing collar, junction bar, and two seals.

  grout swivel
Grout Swivel Assembly
flushing collar
Flushing Collar
junction bar small
Junction Bar
grout seals
R32- 1 14" Rope GSR32 $443.00 GSR32-FC $278.00 GSR32-JB $227.00 GSR32-S $15.00
R38 - 1 12" Rope GSR38 $490.00 GSR38-FC $278.00 GSR38-JB $227.00 GSR38-S $15.00
T38 GST38 $490.00 GSR38-FC $278.00   GST38-JB $211.00 GSR38-S $15.00  

Stud Rods and Stud Rods Adaptors

stud rods small

Stud rods are short sections of male to male rods that are used to extend the reach slightly and to adapt to different thread than what you may currently have available. These are machined and heat treated for strength and longevity.

H55 To T45 (with flat) SRH55-T45 $198.00
H55 To T51 (with flat) SRH55-T51 $198.00
T51 To R51 (with flat) SRT51-R51 $169.00
T51 to T45 (with flat) SRT51-T45 $169.00
T45 To R32 (with flat) SRT45-R32 $128.00
T45 To T38 (with flat) SRT45-T38 $128.00
T38 To R32 SRT38-R32 $98.00
T38 To R25 SRT38-R25 $98.00
R25 To R25 (Extension Rod with flat) ER25-25R-12 QUOTE
R32 To R25 (with flat) SRR32-R25 $80.00
R32 to R32 (Extension Rod with flat) ER32-32R-8 $85.00
R32 to R32 (Extension Rod with flat) ER32-32R-12 $85.00
TTN40 Stud Rod 8" OAL (with flat) ETTN40-40R-8 $110.00
R38 to R32 (with flat) SRR38-R32 $98.00
R51 To R51 (with flat) ER51-51R-12 $169.00
T51 To T51 (with flat) ET51-51R-12 $169.00
H55 To H55 (with flat) EH55-55R-12 $204.00
T45 Male All Thread
Cut to length
Price per Foot
ET45-12AT $88.00
T38 Male All Thread
Cut to length
Price per Foot
ET38-12AT $60.00
R38 Male All Thread
Cut to length
Price per Foot
ER38-12AT $73.00
R32 Male All Thread
Cut to length
Price per Foot
ER32-12AT $66.00

Coupling Adaptors

Coupling adaptors are female to female and used to adapt to a different thread than what you may currently be running. They are machined and heat treated blast-hole quality couplings. We keep a large variety in stock, though minimum order quantities may apply.

Choose One End:

Choose Other End:

R25 R32 R38 R51 H55 T38
CPLR25 $45.00 CAR25-R32 $110.00 CAR25-R38 $136.00 CAR25-R51 $290.00 CAR25-H55 $290.00 CAR25-T38 $136.00
CAR25-R32 $110.00 CPLR32 $50.00 CAR32-R38 $112.00 CAR32-R51 $290.00 CAR32-H55 $290.00 CAR32-T38 $112.00
CAR25-R38 $136.00 CAR32-R38 $112.00 CPLR38 $76.00 CAR38-R51 $290.00 CAR38-H55 $290.00 CAR38-T38 $112.00
CAR25-R51 $290.00 CAR32-R51 $290.00 CAR38-R51 $290.00 CPLR51 $262.00 CAR51-H55 $290.00 CAT38-R51 $290.00
CAR25-H55 $290.00 CAR32-H55 $290.00 CAR38-H55 $290.00 CAR51-H55 $290.00 CPLH55 QUOTE CAT38-H55 $290.00
CAR25-T38 $136.00 CAR32-T38 $112.00 CAR38-T38 $112.00 CAT38-R51 $290.00 CAT38-H55 $290.00 CPLT38 $76.00
CAR25-T45 $175.00 CAR32-T45 $175.00 CAR38-T45 $175.00 CAT45-R51 $290.00 CAT45-H55 $290.00 CAT38-T45 $143.00
CAR25-T51 $290.00 CAR32-T51 $290.00 CAR38-T51 $290.00 CAR51-T51 $290.00 CAT51-H55 $290.00 CAT38-T51 $290.00
CAR25-TTN40 $136.00 CAR32-TTN40 $136.00 CAR38-TTN40 $136.00 CATTN40-R51 $290.00 CATTN40-H55 $290.00 CAT38-TTN40 $136.00
CAR25-TTN52 $290.00 CAR32-TTN52 $290.00 CAR38-TTN52 $290.00 CAR51-TTN52 $290.00 CATTN52-H55 $290.00 CAT38-TTN52 $290.00
T45 T51 TTN30 TTN40 TTN52 T76
CAR25-T45 $175.00 CAR25-T51 $290.00 CAR25-TTN30 $136.00 CAR25-TTN40 $136.00 CAR25-TTN52 $290.00 CAR25-T76 $467.00
CAR32-T45 $175.00 CAR32-T51 $290.00 CATTN30-R32 $135.00 CAR32-TTN40 $136.00 CAR32-TTN52 $290.00 CAR32-T76 $467.00
CAR38-T45 $175.00 CAR38-T51 $290.00 CAR38-TTN30 $136.00 CAR38-TTN40 $136.00 CAR38-TTN52 $290.00 CAR38-T76 $467.00
CAT45-R51 $290.00 CAR51-T51 $290.00 CAR51-TTN30 $290.00 CATTN40-R51 $290.00 CAR51-TTN52 $290.00 CAR51-T76 $467.00
CAT45-H55 $290.00 CAT51-H55 $290.00 CATTN30-H55 CALL CATTN40-H55 $290.00 CATTN52-H55 $290.00 CAH55-T76 $467.00
CAT38-T45 $143.00 CAT38-T51 $290.00 CATTN30-T38 $136.00 CAT38-TTN40 $136.00 CAT38-TTN52 $290.00 CAT38-T76 $467.00
CPLT45 $109.00 CAT45-T51 $234.00 CATTN30-T45 $175.00 CATTN40-T45 $175.00 CAT45-TTN52 $290.00 CAT45-T76 $467.00
CAT45-T51 $234.00 CPLT51 $140.00 CATTN30-T51 CALL CATTN40-T51 $290.00 CAT51-TTN52 $290.00 CAT51-T76 $467.00
CATTN40-T45 $175.00 CATTN40-T51 $290.00 CATTN30-TTN40 $136.00 CPLTTN40 $136.00 CATTN40-TTN52 $290.00 CATTN40-T76 $467.00
CAT45-TTN52 $290.00 CAT51-TTN52 $290.00 CATTN30-TTN52 CALL CATTN40-TTN52 $290.00 CPLTTN52 QUOTE CATTN52-T76 $467.00



Miscellaneous Coupling Adaptors
CAR28-R32 1-1/8" Rope to 1 14" Rope $136.00
CAR32-R38SQ 1 14" Rope - 1 12" Rope SQ. $180.00
CAR32-T38SQ 1 14" Rope - T38 W/ Flats $175.00
CPLR32HD R32 Coupling - Heavy Duty (2" OD) $78.00
CPLR32T R32 Coupling - Thin Wall (1-58" OD) $55.00
CPLR25T R25 Coupling - Thin Wall (1-38" OD) $50.00
CPLR28 R28 Coupling QUOTE
CAH55-R63 H 55 - R 63 $276.00
CAT45-R63 T 45 - R 63 $276.00

MAI Bits

Also threading Williams, Titan, and more. Minimum Order Quantity may Apply. 10% discount on orders of 100 or more for Carbide Cross and/or Button Bits.

Carbide Cross Bits

carbide cross bit

Size Wt. R32 R38 R51 T76 TTN40 TTN52
2" 1.5 IBOBC-R32-51          
212" 3.5 IBOBC-R32-64 IBOBC-R38-64     IBOBC-TTN40-64  
    $66.00 $66.00     $66.00  
3" 5.5 IBOBC-R32-76 IBOBC-R38-76 IBOBC-R51-76   IBOBC-TTN40-76 IBOBC-TTN52-76
    $74.00 $74.00 $74.00   $74.00 $74.00
312" 6.0 IBOBC-R32-89 IBOBC-R38-89 IBOBC-R51-89   IBOBC-TTN40-89 IBOBC-TTN52-89
    $80.00 $80.00 $80.00   $80.00 $80.00
4" 7.5 IBOBC-R32-102 IBOBC-R38-102 IBOBC-R51-102   IBOBC-TTN40-102 IBOBC-TTN52-102
    $92.00 $92.00 $92.00   $92.00 $92.00
412" 9.0 IBOBC-R32-115 IBOBC-R38-115 IBOBC-R51-115   IBOBC-TTN40-115 IBOBC-TTN52-115
    $105.00 $105.00 $105.00   $105.00 $105.00
5" 17.5   IBOBC-R38-127 IBOBC-R51-127 IBOBC-T76-127 IBOBC-TTN40-127 IBOBC-TTN52-127
      $157.00 $157.00 $157.00 $157.00 $157.00
6" 20.0   IBOBC-R38-152 IBOBC-R51-152 IBOBC-T76-152 IBOBC-TTN40-152 IBOBC-TTN52-152
      $173.00 $173.00 $173.00 $173.00 $173.00
7" 21.0   IBOBC-R38-178 IBOBC-R51-178 IBOBC-T76-178 IBOBC-TTN40-178 IBOBC-TTN52-178
      $215.00 $215.00 $215.00 $215.00 $215.00

Carbide Button Bits

Also threading Williams, Titan, and more. Minimum Order Quantity may Apply.

carbide button bit

Size Wt. R32 R38 R51 T76 TTN40 TTN52
212" 3.5 IBOBB-R32-64 IBOBB-R38-64     IBOBB-TTN40-64  
    $84.00 $84.00     $84.00  
3" 5.5 IBOBB-R32-76 IBOBB-R38-76 IBOBB-R51-76   IBOBB-TTN40-76 IBOBB-TTN52-76
    $86.00 $86.00 $86.00   $86.00 $86.00
312" 6.0 IBOBB-R32-89 IBOBB-R38-89 IBOBB-R51-89   IBOBB-TTN40-89 IBOBB-TTN52-89
    $89.00 $89.00 $89.00   $89.00 $89.00
4" 7.5 IBOBB-R32-102 IBOBB-R38-102 IBOBB-R51-102   IBOBB-TTN40-102 IBOBB-TTN52-102
    $108.00 $108.00 $108.00   $108.00 $108.00
412" 9.5 IBOBB-R32-115 IBOBB-R38-115 IBOBB-R51-115   IBOBB-TTN40-115 IBOBB-TTN52-115
    $119.00 $119.00 $119.00   $119.00 $119.00
5" 19.0   IBOBB-R38-127 IBOBB-R51-127 IBOBB-T76-127 IBOBB-TTN40-127 IBOBB-TTN52-127
      $167.00 $167.00 $167.00 $167.00 $167.00
6" 23.0   IBOBB-R38-152 IBOBB-R51-152 IBOBB-T76-152 IBOBB-TTN40-152 IBOBB-TTN52-152
      $197.00 $197.00 $197.00 $197.00 $197.00

Hardened Steel Soil Bits

Also threading Williams, Titan, and more. Minimum Order Quantity may Apply.

hd steel bit

  Wt. R32 Price R38 Price
2" 1 IBOBS-R32-51 $24.36 IBOBS-R38-51 $24.36
212" 1.3 IBOBS-R32-64 $25.50 IBOBS-R38-64 $25.50
3" 2 IBOBS-R32-76 $27.36 IBOBS-R38-76 $27.36
312" 2.6 IBOBS-R32-89 $33.93 IBOBS-R38-89 $33.93
4" 2.7 IBOBS-R32-102 $61.50 IBOBS-R38-102 $61.50
5" *non-stock - made to order

3-Wing Drag Bit - Clay, Sand & Soil

Also threading Williams, Titan, and more. Minimum Order Quantity may Apply.

wing drag bit

6"     IBOBD-R38-152 QUOTE IBOBD-R51-152 QUOTE IBOBD-T76-152 QUOTE
7"     IBOBD-R38-178 QUOTE IBOBD-R51-178 QUOTE IBOBD-T76-178 QUOTE
8"     IBOBD-R38-203 QUOTE IBOBD-R51-203 QUOTE IBOBD-T76-203 QUOTE

MAI Accessories

  R32   R38
  Description Part Number Price   Description Part Number Price
mai couplings
"L&N" R32/Ø42/L145 IBOCPL-R32 QUOTE   "NG" R38/Ø51/L220 IBOCPL-R38 QUOTE
200x200x10mm Ø35mm 32mm Bar IBO9899100798 QUOTE   200x200x12mm Ø41mm 38mm Bar IBO9899100800 QUOTE
  R51L   R51N
  Description Part Number Price   Description Part Number Price
mai couplings
"NG" R51N/Ø63/L220 IBOCPL-R51 QUOTE   "NG" R51N/Ø63/L220 IBOCPL-R51 QUOTE
200x200x30mm Ø60mm 51mm Bar IBO9899150096 QUOTE   250x250x40mm Ø60mm 51mm Bar IBO9899150097 QUOTE


Anchor Outside Diameter Internal Diameter (Avg) Effective Cross Sectional Area (Avg) Ultimate Load Capacity Yield Load Capacity Weight per Foot pdf
R 32N 1 14" 0.73" 0.61 in² 63 kips 51.5 kips 2.3 lbs R 32N
R 32S 1 14" 0.59" 0.76 in² 81 kips 63 kips 2.85 lbs R 32S
R 38 1 12" 0.75" 1.11 in² 112 kips 90 kips 4.0 lbs R38
R 51L 2" 1.42" 1.20 in² 123.6 kips 101.2 kips 4.7 lbs R 51L
R51N 2" 1.30" 1.46 in² 180 kips 141.6 kips 5.6 lbs R 51N
T 76N 3" 2" 2.84 in² 360 kips 270 kips 10.0 lbs T 76N
T 76S 3" 1.77" 3.72 in² 428 kips 338 kips 13.2 lbs T 76S